Wednesday 7 January 2015

Gizmos galore 3D printing Virtual Reality and genius designs

Unfortunately I am a little late in my post today as it is actually the morning of Day 2. Day 1 was a very interesting start to our trip. We tackled the tech start ups section of the exhibition showcasing designs and models of innovative products to come. From a suit of wireless cameras that record a 720 degree HD view of the space they are in to 3D printers that scan and replicate autonomously, it was allot to take in. I found several highlights of the day particularly interesting.

First was the ALLIE booth, which showcased a group of wireless cameras that record a HD 720 degree view of your world. One in particular is aimed at the GoPro market. Picture a camera that sees every angle at once. No blind spots and no missed views. Then picture using your tablet seeing what was recorded and being able to move your perspective around to see what happened to your left or right or even above your cameras position. It was amazing and we hope to bring you more information on this product soon. We also checked out at the booth a very  reative airial drone from IC Realtech that incorporates this camera. The possibilities are endless at this point but we will be watching both products with excited anticipation.

We also enjoyed learning more about the expanding world of 3D printers. In fact many of the prototype products we checked out were 3D printed for the show as pre production examples. The printers themselves range in price, starting at $599 and climbing into the thousands. But I was reminded of the replicators of Star Trek with the amazing product these machines can turn out. If you can dream it and draw it in the design program on your computer, you can print it. I want one myself so that I can maybe invent something myself one day.

We also surveyed the endless sea of smart watches and health monitors. A stand out was the Swarovski crystal health monitor and smart watch. It did have many practical applications but I think it will mostly be puchase because of its beauty rather than function.

We are excited to be heading to the TV's  and Audio areas today. We will keep you posted with the days Gizmos and Gadgetry.

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